Beastie Boys sampling

El Train does an excellent job breaking down Shake Your Rump. A classic Paul's Boutique track that seamlessly blends samples from 14 different songs!
Running from the law the press and the parents
Is your name Michael Diamond?
No mine's Clarence
While Beastie Boys are known for being influenced by funky beats, and sampling them. Do you remember this classic lyric?
It's a trip...It's got a funky beat and I can bug out to it!
From the epic 12 minute track B-Boy Bouillabaisse, the Beastie Boys reached out to "Double L" to record the line. "Double L" is not another rapper, he is an over-the-top weather reporter by the name of Lloyd Lindsay Young.
Speaking of B-Boy Bouillabaisse, check out what Mike D said about the 12 minute long Paul's Boutique song.
We could have spent time working on them and developing them more fully, instead we decided to shove them all together into one medley and call it a bouillabaisse... coming from hardcore, we always loved the economy of super-short songs.
If you've made it this far, you are most likely a Beastie Boys fan. Stick around for another track from a current band that is obviously heavily influence by the Beastie Boys. "Grab two girlies and a beer that's cold", and enjoy this track!